Get acquainted with the review of AI “artists” from the Pitch Avatar Team, which will help you choose the appropriate tools for commercial purposes.
The success of modern commercial content directly depends on the quality of its visual component. Simply put – diverse images, be it collages, drawings, or photos, play a crucial role in influencing the consciousness, subconscious, and emotions of the audience. Regardless of who you are addressing an online presentation or an advertising post on social networks, you need to take care of the visual component first. This is equally important for communicating with potential investors, for catching leads on the internet, and for retaining regular customers.
To substantiate our point, let’s present a few facts. We need only half a second to understand an image. Our brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than textual information. People follow recommendations with illustrations 323% more often than recommendations without illustrations. Images increase content viewing by 94%, and for social networks, this figure is even higher – posts with images attract attention 180% more often. It is important to note that, according to most marketers, original images “work” best. The question is, where to get them?
Today, thanks to the corresponding AI generators and editors, it is easier to answer this question than ever before. There is a sea of products in this category and we hope our review will help you navigate it. Note that our list does not claim to be encyclopedic, but is intended to give a general idea of what types of solutions exist in the corresponding category today. For simplicity, the review is compiled in alphabetical order.
We would like to add that having tried all the products from the review, we decided to share the results of our experiences in the description of some of them.

An AI solution for improving the quality of images, primarily photos. Among the features, in addition to improving the image as a whole, several separate tools are “sharpened” for specific tasks. For example: increasing size, removing background, retouching faces, noise suppression, improving details, converting black and white photos into color, and others.

This AI is both an image generator and an editor. The user can both create digital paintings in various styles and refine them using original solutions. Among the interesting tools is mixing. You can take two different images and create one based on them, using elements of both. In addition to this, Artbreeder is equipped with a collaboration function.
For example, we used the “Mixing” (Mixer) function, combining the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa” (It. Monna Lisa) and Salvador Dali “The Persistence of Memory” (Sp. La persistencia de la memoria).

An image generator from Microsoft on the DALL-E platform, like the base, works with queries set in free form, which makes it one of the simplest tools to use. The main advantage is the ability to interpret requests quite broadly. However, there are quite often errors and hallucinations that require patience, the ability to formulate and reformulate requests, and careful selection from the proposed options.
Examples of what Bing generated for the requests, “Martian Sphinx” and “Eco-city of the future”.

This platform offers quite broad possibilities for working with images. Among them: generation by text queries, conversion of photos into a format for documents, animation of images, improvement of pictures and short videos, background removal, object removal, conversion of black and white photos into color, and others. Despite the relatively small number of settings, the results that the AI generator produces are of good quality and detail.
A landscape with a Chinese dragon in a lake, created using

One of the most famous universal AI image generators, which is a product of OpenAI. It’s no secret that it serves as a basis for a number of other AI solutions in this area. Its foundation lies in the idea of minimal actions on the part of the user – generating images based on a free-form text request. At the same time, the results of its work, with the correct formulation of requests, are distinguished by high quality and detail. As DALL-E-2 works, it improves and learns, responding to user requests more and more qualitatively every day.
Several examples of DALL-E-2’s work:
Landscape “from nature”

Romeo and Juliet in the style of Andy Warhol

Sharks in cyberpunk style.

Under this “signboard” the user will find two solutions at once. The first – Deep Art Effect, is a professional image editor with many filters, tools, ideas, and hints. The second – AI generator Deep Art Creator, gives the opportunity to create, change, supplement and mix images using free-form text queries.
One of the style-mixing samples of’s work

A tool designed primarily for generating paintings in different artistic styles. The basis for the final result can be either a textual description or a basic image uploaded by the user. Its works are distinguished by a high level of elaboration and detail. We note a good selection of style templates and a fairly high level of settings for various parameters.
A seaside city generated by DeepDream

An AI upscaler with a wide range of functionality. Primarily oriented towards commercial use. For example, its creators directly declare it as an ideal solution for working with real estate photos. Among the basic possibilities: improving quality and increasing size, noise suppression, background removal, light and color correction, object removal, and others. One of the work options – fully automated – allows you to prepare a photo for publication in just three clicks.

A simple-to-use image generator based on a text query with a basic set of functions. The main advantage is the combination in one solution not only of an AI “artist”, but also an AI “editor”.
Examples of images on the theme “Urban fantasy landscape in the interior” created using DreamStudio.

A multi-tool online platform, originally created for photo editing, which, keeping up with the times, is constantly replenished with new functions. Artificial intelligence capabilities are no exception. The peculiarity of Fotor’s image generation is the preliminary selection of the basic type of task for the AI “artist”. For example: image in general, face, painting, background, avatar, and other options. At the same time, during the generation process, you can use various style templates and typical image proportions.
A painting with a lighthouse generated by Fotor

An image generator based on a text query with a minimum of basic settings. Despite this, it is capable without additional hints, according to a brief and very general formulated request, to create high-quality original images with numerous details. The peculiarity of this tool is the combination on one platform of both an image generator and a video generator.
A landscape with a zeppelin hovering over the mountains, created using Gencraft AI

An AI application created primarily to improve the quality of images. The authors claim that it can increase resolution and detail by 600%. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the AI trained on a multitude of images, when working with blurry and blurred photos and pictures, complements them with natural and logical details. At the same time, Topaz Gigapixel is capable of working with several images simultaneously.

An application from a well-known line of products designed to improve and convert different types of content. The tool allows you to work with all types of pictures. HitPaw Photo Enhancer allows you to both improve the image with one click and work on specific tasks and problems. For example, you can “rejuvenate” old photos, make a black and white image colorful, improve faces, increase sharpness, etc.

On this platform, you can find a whole collection of AI solutions designed to help in creating and processing images. Generation by text queries, background removal, object removal, coloring of black and white images, improving quality, converting images into various styles and directions of painting, restoration of damaged images – for each of these tasks you can use a special tool.
Examples of images created using Hotpot
House over a waterfall

Tropical island

Skyscrapers in steampunk style

A solution for improving and increasing the quality of images, replacing fragments, removing backgrounds, and other editing tasks. An interesting feature is the ability to simultaneously improve up to 500 images.

A tool for generating images by a text query in free form. Enter a query, choose one of more than fifty styles, set one of five sizes, and get several image options. If desired, you can use additional settings. There is an opportunity to immediately share the received result on social networks and provide open code for each AI-generated image.
Interior design of an apartment in retro-futur style created using

The distinctive feature of this platform is a whole “team” of specialized AI “artists” and AI “designers”. Among them: an image generator by a text query, a converter of photos into high-artistic portraits, an image generator by a sketch, a “master” for removing and creating backgrounds, a character generator based on photos, a variator on the motives of stock photos, and others.
Images of future cars, created using

One of the tools of the platform specializing in creating and editing various content, for example, GIFs, music, and video. This AI “artist” works both with text queries and with images uploaded by users. Kapwing AI is equipped with a solid library of ideas and an impressive number of functions, tools, and settings. In theory, for truly effective work with this AI, you will have to spend a lot of time studying and mastering all its functions. However, nothing prevents you from using it as a regular image generator based on free-form queries.
Fantastic butterflies generated by Kapwing AI

An AI solution that offers both generation and improvement of images. Both tools are made easy to use with a small but sufficient set of settings and functions for most tasks, allowing you to get started right away.
As examples of the work of the Let’s Enhance AI generator, two landscapes created with its help:
A Sphinx and the Pyramid of Cheops in moonlight

Pandas in bamboo thickets

To test the image enhancer, we used a photo of one of the legendary “Beatles” performances. First the original, downloaded from the internet, then the same photo after processing with Let’s Enhance.

An upscaler for quickly improving image quality with minimal actions and a relatively small number of settings. The final result looks natural, without leaving the impression of processing, which many edited photos often sin.
A photo of the parliament in London in the 1960s downloaded from the internet before and after using

A tool whose main task is to transform the uploaded image from one style to another. For example, turning a photo of a person into a portrait painted in oils or, say, into an antique mosaic. One of the features of NeuralStyler is the ability to add your own style samples if the user, for some reason, is not satisfied with the already extensive collection.

This AI “artist” is primarily aimed at those who need good samples of painting. The user has a multitude of customizable tools, broad possibilities for using and mixing different styles, and a community with which you can share ideas and discuss various works.
A fantasy castle on an island, created using NightCafe

The Prisma Labs team specializes in working with photos and, strictly speaking, offers two tools – Lensa and Prisma apps. The first is intended for editing, processing, and improving photos. The second allows you to transform the uploaded image into a painting in the chosen style. At the same time, Prisma is also available in an online version. Both tools are quite easy to use and are well suited for quick work.
Here’s what we got when processing with Prisma an old black-and-white illustration depicting the 19th-century liner “Great Eastern”. First the original, then the final result.

A maximally simple tool for improving the quality of images and videos. Can be recommended to those who do not like to fiddle with settings and prefer to reduce all work to uploading the corresponding file and a minimum of actions.

This solution for generating images by textual description is equipped with a special illustrated hint constructor, allowing you to combine different styles, techniques, and directions of art, obtaining unique and original results. In addition to generating images, various tools are available for their subsequent editing.
An image in the steampunk genre created using StarryAI Art Generator

An AI “artist” from a well-known platform of tools for creating presentations and other online content. This image generator is convenient in that it is equipped not only with a variety of templates and settings but also with an editor that allows you to immediately start improving and refining the received result.
Seascapes created using Visme AI

An AI upscaler created in Japan, designed for quick enlargement and improvement of image quality. The word “waifu” in Japanese means a character, usually from games and anime, and this tool, as the developers claim, is primarily aimed at those who need to improve the quality of images in the “anime” style. However, this does not prevent its use for improving the quality of images in other styles and ordinary photos.

Concluding the review, let’s stop at one, extremely important from our point of view, point. Despite the impressive and constantly growing capabilities of artificial intelligence in the field of image generation and processing, the percentage of hallucinations and errors issued by AI “artists” is still quite high. Extra fingers-wings-fins, unnatural proportions and facial expressions, Siamese twins, disorderly interior, landscape and architectural clutter with overlapping and “ingrowth” of incompatible elements and details – all this and much more are encountered much more often than users would like. That is why the role of a person in the field of visual creativity remains leading. So far, only people are capable of formulating and reformulating a task for an AI “artist”, selecting suitable results and editing them correctly. Therefore, those who “bury” the professions of designers and artists are in a hurry.
Good luck with your creativity and high income to everyone!