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AI Business tools. Part 2

Download For Free We’ve gathered for you a collection of hundreds of AI business tools. In the second part of …

what will the spring of technology e-book

What will the spring of technology bring

Download For Free Predictions, dreams, and fortune-telling about the day after tomorrow in IT and beyond. Get our Ebook for …

ai-based business tools e-book

AI Business tools. Part 1

Download For Free We’ve gathered for you a collection of hundreds of AI business tools. In the first part of …


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July 25, 2024

How to assemble a team of digital presenters for a presentation or webinar?

Here are some tips from the Pitch Avatar team to help you maximize the effectiveness of virtual presenters. New...
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How to learn to trust AI?

A few tips from the Pitch Avatar team to enhance your interaction with artificial intelligence. Almost immediately after the...
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What can virtual AI presenters do?

The Pitch Avatar team discusses the tasks that can be assigned to digital assistants and AI-based presenters.   First,...
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What is AI doing today?

A review by the Pitch Avatar team to evaluate the integration of AI tools in our lives.   Note:...

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