Terms of use

General provisions

This agreement is concluded between ROIFORCIO GmbH, a company that provides access to the services of the resource pitchavatar.com including subdomains (hereinafter referred to as the “website”), mobile application Roi4Presenter (hereinafter referred to as the “application” and a private person – a reader visiting the website pages, or a user using at least one of the services provided by the website or application (hereinafter referred to as “visitors”). This agreement regulates the use of resources, services, functionalities of the website, provided by ROIFORCIO GmbH for communicating, exchanging data, information hosting, creating price calculators, creating ROI calculators, creating comparison tables, data collection frameworks, using and disclosing information about private or a legal entities that can be recognized as or is by definition confidential.

1. Visitors

1.1.A visitor is any natural or legal person who has visited at least one page of the website or downloaded the application.

1.2.Visitors who viewed one or several pages of the website without preliminary registration and authorization on the website, forum, are website readers.

1.3.Visitors registered and authorized through unique personal data become users (hereinafter referred to as “users”).

1.4.Users have access to advanced features provided on the website and on the application.

2. Use of website and application resources

2.1.Only registered users can use the interactive resources, publish their own materials and communicate online.

2.2.Website users have the right to:

leave feedback on content, if allowed by the comment management system;

publish their own content on their profile (account);

post messages on forums, send messages to website users, send requests for partnership, requests for price offers;

Use the resources of the website and application in another way that does not conflict with the basis of its activities.

2.3.Copyright to the website and application content, resources, services, unless otherwise specified, is the property of ROIFORCIO GmbH.

2.4.Copying of website or application content without the written consent of ROIFORCIO GmbH is prohibited. 

2.5. Partial quoting of materials from the website on a regular basis is allowed with obligatory reference to the website page which is the source of the quote (for news, short paragraphs — not more than 15% of the whole submission, for reviews, testing – not more than 5% of the whole submission), the full name of the website and ROIFORCIO GmbH.

2.6.All names, names, trademarks, symbols and slogans registered in the established manner are the property of their rightful owners. Website submissions do not include icons (r) and / or ™ to represent them.

3. Restrictions on publishing information

3.1.When publishing information on the website or application, website users are required to adhere to the established restrictions.

3.2.Ignorance of the restrictions on publishing information and use of the website resources, as well as ignorance of these rules, shall not release website visitors from fulfilment thereof.

3.3.On the website and on application it is forbidden to:

publish instigation for dismantlement or overthrow of the constitutional order, seizure of state power;

publish instigation to move the state border of Austria;

publish instigation for riot, destruction of property, seizure of buildings or structures;

publish instigation for aggression or the outbreak of a military conflict;

upload materials containing offensive language, signs of discrimination based on national, ethnic, racial or religious affiliation;

publish obscene statements, publications of a pornographic, sexual nature;

offensive behavior towards other website visitors, the website administrators, publication of defamatory reports;

publication of messages aimed at provoking a sharp reaction by other participants in the website resources;

placement of unauthorized advertisements, commercial messages;

unauthorized placement by website users of materials, whose copyrights belong to third parties;

encouragement of computer piracy in any form, publication of links to files and/or sites that directly violate or contribute to the violation of the copyright of third parties (torrents, trackers);

other actions and publication of any communications prohibited by Austrian law.

3.4.The website and and application does not welcome the publication of messages that have no informational value and that are not related to the subject matter of the resource.

4. Liability for publication of materials

4.1.Within the website and application, website users are provided with a communication platform (blogs, forums, a system for commenting on editorial content, etc.). Any website user can express their opinion on the subject matter of the website.

4.2. Liability for the accuracy of the information posted in public areas of the website (user pages, price and ROI calculators, product pages, solutions, integrations, blogs, forums, comments on editorial content) rests solely with the author.

4.2.1. ROIFORCIO GmbH is not liable for publication by the website administrators of materials or information that are untrue, detrimental to the honour and dignity or violate other rights and legitimate interests of natural and legal persons, if they are word for word reproductions of materials or information published in open sources, including on the Internet, with links to them. 

4.3.Public sections of the website undergo post-moderation – verification by the moderator (authorized representative of the website Administration) subsequent to the posting of messages.

4.4.If there is any doubt as to the reliability of the information being posted, suspected violation of the restrictions established by this agreement, such information may be blocked with a message sent to the author electronically for clarification of the details of the publication.

4.5.A visitors who considers that information published on the website directly violates the interests of certain parties and the website user who posted the information may contact the website administration to resolve the disputes arising as a result of publishing the information on the website. Such website visitors and users are required, through independent communication via the website, to try to resolve in advance any disputes that have arisen in their view, by taking reasonable steps thereof.

4.6.If the user violates the terms of this provision, the moderator may delete the published information, block the account, deny the user access to the website or block access to some of the site’s functionalities for the respective IP address.

4.7.A well-substantiated challenge to the moderator’s actions is possible by communicating with the website Administration.

5. Privacy 

Use of website and application may result in the collection and processing of personal data by ROIFORCIO GmbH. We therefore invite you to read our privacy statement.

6. Payment

6.1. Payment for the Service shall be completed in accordance with the tariff plans listed on the Website.

6.2. All the prices for the Service are fixed in US dollars (USD). The actual information about current pricing is published on the following page https://pitchavatar.com/pricing/.

6.3. Prices or tariff plans may change from time to time on the Company’s sole discretion. Current users will be notified  about changes in tariff plans in advance within the reasonable term to make decision about following using of the Service.

6.4. Your payments will be processed by PayPro Global Inc (Payment System). All your payment data that you’re sharing with PayPro Global Inc. is processed via the SSL protocol, and  remains safe and confidential. This Payment System accepts all major credit cards in the world, bank transfers and PayPal. 

6.5. PayProGlobal – is the Merchant of Record for our orders.  It provides all customer service inquiries regarding your payments, and handles moneyback or chargeback.

6.6. The information that will be collected by the Payment Service includes: your name, address, phone number, email and payment details. Financial details such as credit card information, etc. are not shared with us.

PayProGlobal has its own privacy policy available at: https://payproglobal.com/legal/privacyPolicy.pdf

6.7. Once your payment is processed, you will immediately get a confirmation email.

7. Subscriptions

7.1 Our paid Service is rendered in form of subscription as a recurring payment (“Subscription”).  This means that you will be billed periodically (monthly or annually), which is called a “billing cycle”. Your Subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of each billing cycle, unless you cancel it. You may cancel your Subscription at any time.  In this case your Subscription will remain active until the end of the billing cycle before termination. You may cancel automatic renewal of your Subscription immediately after the Subscription starts, if you do not want to renew it.

7.2. For Pitch Avatar available 2 (two) types of billing cycles: an Annual Subscription with a 12 (twelve) month Term or a Monthly Subscription with a 1 (one) month Term. 

7.3. Managing the number of seats. The User has the option to increase the number of licenses within the Business plan at any time.

The User has also the option to decrease the number of licenses within the Business plan to any amount that is higher than 5, at any time. In this case the pricing changes will come into effect since the next recurring billing period. 


You can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting us in chat or to support@pitchavatar.com. 

If you came any comments or claims about  our Service, please email us at info@pitchavatar.com

7.5. A Free 7-day Trial

A 7-day Free Trial is tailored to the users who would like to try the functionality of the platform for free before choosing the right paid plan.

On the 8th day after registration, the user’s account will be restricted until a paid plan is activated.

All the mentioned restrictions will be active until choosing a paid plan. 

We will keep user content saved for 180 days after the Trial ends and then will delete it if the user doesn’t decide to continue with a paid plan.

Also, we can delete all the content at the user’s request at any time.

For this and any further questions, please contact us at: support@pitchavatar.com

That means that the User  will still be able to access your account, but:

  • won’t be able to get access to your presentations, including editing or downloading them;
  • all the links generated will be disabled, which means people won’t be able to open them;
  • won’t get access to analytics and the option to download any related files.

7.6. Other
In support of the people of Ukraine, Pitch Avatar does not provide services in Russia and Belarus.

8. Final Provisions

8.1.By filling out the registration form on any of the websites of ROIFORCIO GmbH or visiting the pages of the ROIFORCIO GmbH websites, the website user automatically accepts the terms.

8.2.The activities of ROIFORCIO GmbH are carried out in accordance with Austrian law. Any claims, disputes, official appeals will be considered solely in accordance with the provisions of Austrian law.

8.3.The terms of this Agreement may be changed unilaterally by ROIFORCIO GmbH and will take effect within seven calendar days from the date of their publication on the website of ROIFORCIO GmbH.