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e-book how do you choose a presentation format

How do you choose a presentation format?

Download For Free We consider the main types of presentations. Get our Ebook for Free—>

non-standard presentations e-book

Non-standard presentations

Download For Free We consider the main types of online events that do not fit into the most common categories. …

psychology of presentation e-book

Psychology of presentations

Download For Free A bit of science and tips for effective live presentations How to respond to a live broadcast …


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July 10, 2024

Pitch Avatar recognized as Top Presentation Software of 2024 by Tekpon

We are glad to announce that Pitch Avatar has been recognized as the Top Presentation Software of 2024 by...
July 7, 2024

What to do if a viewer’s question stumps the speaker?

Take a broad view of the topic and use the “deferred communication” method. This advice comes from the Pitch...
July 5, 2024

What to do if you don’t like your presentation audience?

How can you maintain genuine goodwill and avoid alienating clients or employees, whether potential or current, in such situations?...
create online presentation without powerpoint
July 1, 2024

How to create an online presentation without PowerPoint slides?

Here are some tips from the Pitch Avatar team for those looking to stand out among other online content...

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