How to use generative AI correctly

The Pitch Avatar team addresses this and several other frequently asked questions about the most popular AI tools.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI refers to a system capable of creating various types of content, aiming to match or exceed human quality. It “learns” from extensive datasets and then generates new content – such as images, text, videos, or music – based on its previous encounters.

One of the most popular types of generative AI is Large Language Models, which can be thought of as universal writers and interlocutors.

The work of generative AI is often associated with Neural Networks – tools that imitate the work of the human brain, where the so-called “information processing points” act as neurons. Neural networks are especially effective for processing large amounts of information.

Why is generative AI so popular?

Generative AI’s rapid growth is primarily due to its versatility and wide applicability across various fields. In this sense, generative AI can be compared to paper, printing, electricity, the Internet, and other universally applicable phenomena of progress.

Generative AI is constantly evolving and improving. Various products and solutions have already been created and continue to be created on their basis. For example, special tools for generating music, images, videos, program code and others. As an example, let’s take our AI assistant for presenters and online content creators Pitch Avatar 

Ease of use significantly contributes to the popularity of generative AI. Operating these systems at a basic level requires minimal training. At the same time, many generative AI are able to adapt to the personal style of users, including taking into account linguistic, cultural and age-related characteristics.

What can generative AI be used for?

As the name suggests, this type of artificial intelligence is primarily designed to generate in other words, create content. Ideally, the content should appear as though it was created by a person or an outside observer should be unable to distinguish between content created by generative AI and that created by a human.

Generative AI based on the Large Linguistic Model is well suited for creating texts on various topics and in different sizes. A wide variety of text forms are available to it: headlines, slogans, stories, essays, articles, reports, descriptions, abstracts of instructions, poems, and even large literary forms. Also, BLM (Large Language Model) can serve as an editor, with which you can check the text for errors and correctness, break it down into parts and chapters, shorten or, on the contrary, expand it, etc. In addition, generative AI can act as a co-author or interlocutor, offering ideas and solutions to problems faced by users. Furthermore, several solutions based on Large Language Models are adept at searching for information based on free-form queries and performing translations, including literary and poetic translations.

Generative AI is capable of creating not only texts but also other types of content, for example: music, video and animation, images, program code, presentations, etc. It’s important to note that some generative AIs are multitasking, capable of creating various types of content. Others are specialized, designed to focus on producing a single type of content, such as music or images.

Another popular and effective application of generative AI is the creation of AI agents and chatbots for various purposes. These can include customer service consultants, digital sales advisors, virtual characters, and presenters, among others. For example, Pitch Avatar, developed by our team, serves as a notable example of such an application.

Once again, it’s important to emphasize that generative AI is a versatile tool with broad applications across many areas of human activity.

How accurately and efficiently does generative AI work?

All types of generative AI and neural networks are highly complex systems, and even their creators do not fully understand all the processes occurring within them. As with any complex device, the likelihood of failures and errors increases. When interacting with generative AI, it is important to consider the possibility of “machine hallucinations” and other inaccuracies. These errors can manifest as the AI generating non-existent quotes, authors, titles, or links to “phantom” web pages. It may also produce factual inaccuracies or find incorrect information. This occurs because generative AI strives to balance the quality of the result with the time required to produce it. In some cases, it may “decide” that the best approach is to generate content that looks plausible but may be nonsensical or inaccurate.

Does this make generative AI an ineffective tool? Of course not. After all, people make mistakes, and it is the human mind that is the source of inspiration for AI developers.Does the possibility of error (or even deliberate lying) prevent us from interacting with other people and benefiting from their intellectual work?

It is important to understand that generative AI does not intentionally seek to deceive users. “Machine hallucinations” are simply the result of errors that are unavoidable in complex systems. To minimize their impact, you should follow two simple rules:


  • Always check the output of generative AI;


  • If the result of the generative AI does not satisfy you, try to reformulate the task assigned to it more clearly, precisely, and unambiguously.


Typically, unclear or ambiguous requests can lead to errors in generative AI outputs.

Is it safe to use generative AI?

It is important to note that the creators of AI products prioritize security very seriously. It is common practice to deliberately limit the capabilities of generative AIs intended for widespread use to ensure they do not harm people or technology. Most artificial intelligence systems available to users are developed specifically for addressing peaceful and legal issues. These precautions contribute to making generative AI one of the safest technologies to use.

However, this does not mean that precautions can be overlooked when using generative AI. You can draw a simple analogy with, for example, a car or, say, a microwave oven. They are also created for purely peaceful purposes. However, using them irresponsibly can lead to trouble or even disaster. So what safety precautions should you keep in mind with generative AI?


  • Do not treat the answers and statements of generative AI as the opinion of a specialist or a guide for action, particularly when making important decisions related to safety, education, career, finances, or health. Artificial intelligence capable of giving qualified recommendations (no matter what issues) doesn’t yet exist. Communication with AI on important issues can be considered nothing more than self-preparation before a meeting with a human specialist.


  • Don’t replace conversations with real people with those involving generative AI. It can be easy to start perceiving artificial intelligence as a more interesting, attentive, knowledgeable, responsive, and understanding interlocutor compared to real individuals. Generative AI literally has a built-in willingness to always support your point of view, politeness, the ability to quickly adapt to your communication style and a desire to discuss any topic that interests you, nothing more. However, this fundamental lack of conflict is a key indicator of the illusion of genuine communication. There is a real risk of becoming psychologically dependent on an artificial interlocutor, which can complicate relationships with real people. Special care should be taken to ensure that a fascination with “friendship” with a digital interlocutor does not negatively impact children and adolescents, particularly those who already face challenges in communicating with their peers.


  • Do not share confidential, proprietary, or copyrighted content with freely available generative AIs. Due to the complexity of modern artificial intelligence, there is no absolute guarantee that this data, either partially or fully, will not become publicly available. To handle such information, purchase secure versions of AI products that allow for the configuration and installation of all necessary security restrictions.


In addition to the above, we advise you to pay attention to the fact that artificial intelligence technologies, unfortunately,can potentially be exploited by attackers. While AI developers consider this risk, it is impossible to entirely eliminate the possibility of AI being used for criminal purposes. Therefore, when communicating with AI agents, you should take this fact into account, do not share confidential or corporate information with them, and do not install the software they offer without checking.

Can generative AI completely replace human employees?

No, artificial intelligence capable of matching human creativity and multitasking does not yet exist. Generative AI is not designed to replace humans but to assist them. For example, by performing various routine processes. As a first approximation, generative AI is needed to free up people’s time for creative tasks by helping them complete them.

Finally, we would like to remind you once again that these tips were prepared by the Pitch Avatar team. If your work involves preparing presentations and other online content, our product is at your service.

Good luck, success, and high incomes to everyone!

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