Oh, such a touching moment! This is our ROI4Presenter’s first annual digest 💙
The project itself is a bit older than the digest, about half a year. Though, it is difficult to calculate exactly when the Presenter project was born. Was it with the first thoughts on how cool it would be if there was such an application for online presentations? Or when had we started to create first presentations for it? Or it was the moment when beta version and test users appeared? When users have started to register that were not our friends and colleagues (finally)?
In any case, today, our entire team knows for sure that currently the product is a year better than it was in January 2022. Though, in late February (24th, to be correct) of the previous winter, none of us were sure that we will be able to continue our work the same way we did earlier. Truthfully, in the same way, nobody wasn’t able to. But thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteers, we have been able to continue to work at all.
Almost all March the team was adjusting to the new reality. But already in April, ROI4Presenter had released its first web version and application. At that moment, we still were not fully understanding which functions were our killer features and what is not in the priority at all. We are still moving a little clumsy toward the goal, but at least we already understand in which direction to go 😎
Towards the end of spring, the developers improved the reports that a presenter receives after someone viewing her or his slides. From that time, a report comes to the mail with such metrics like slides that were viewed and for how long, likes or dislikes on slide, a history of correspondence in the chat.

To track the exact views of your slideshow, the combination of HubSpot + ROI4Presenter allows creating personal links to a selected presentation. This can be used both in individual correspondence and via automated mailing for a wider audience through HubSpot’s WorkFlow or Sequence.
Around the same time, the marketing team actively began to prepare for the epochal event: the Product Hunt launch. A couple of months apart, we had launched both ROI4Presenter and its integration with HubSpot. That was both rewarding and exhausting: in addition to the preparation, which took weeks and weeks, it was also necessary to be on duty for the first 24 hours on the launch day.

Somewhere during the summer, an information window was added in case of lost Internet connection, which disappears when the connection is restored. It’s in no way our biggest technological breakthrough, but look how cute it is!

At the beginning of autumn, a new function appeared, customization of links. Somewhere at the that time, we had abandoned the idea of three speed variations of the presentation and the script to it, and settled for two: short and long (without an average). Though technically, there are three speeds anyway, as there is still the “Pitch” speed. The difference between the “Pitch” and the short script is that “Pitch” must be the bare essence of the presentation — in case, you need to deliver information to a person in the shortest possible form. We thought about startups and investors while creating this option.
November began with preparations for an offline () meeting at the Web Summit in Portugal, where several team members flew to represent us. They returned with the new confidence that there is a demand for ROI4Presenter. It was contagious.

In December, we created new, more flexible pricing packages, but the free version of ROI4Presenter remains active.

Of course, there’s always another type of update that often doesn’t make it to such digests. At the same time, it remains the most common for these who work on IT products, and we are not exceptional. This update goes something like this in work chat: “Guys, we finally fixed all the bugs in this sprint! Again”
Compared to the previous December, our team has doubled in size. Compared to the previous December, we are way more cautious to make plans.
But we are still not scared to dream. Our team, like everyone else, can surely state that it has been a tough year. And, in unison with others, we crave for the same thing — the end of this war. We wish ours and yours loved ones to be healthy. Everything else next year can be achieved with ROI4Presenter