Start your presentation with a clean slate

presentation clean slate

Let’s talk about why the idea and plan for an online event, and generally any content, should be thought out without using a computer.

We’re accustomed to smart gadgets. That’s a fact. So much so that they’ve become a greater part of our lives than anything invented before them. TVs and radios have never spent as much time with us as desktop and mobile computers. Even when it comes to background noise—whether it’s music or the muttering of another expert—computers dominate today. Not to mention work! In this sense, imagining life without a laptop, tablet, or smartphone is simply impossible. In this sense, the authors and presenters are entirely dependent on the capabilities provided by computers and companion devices.

And yet, we strongly recommend starting work on an online presentation away from the computer. Grab a notebook or a plain sheet of paper, a pen, and switch all the toggles of your creativity to “on.” Jot down the goals you set for the presentation. After that, spend an hour or two brainstorming ideas on how to achieve them. Write down all of them—even the craziest and most unexpected ones. Now it’s time to try to arrange a few rough drafts of a plan from them.

“Why is this necessary?” you might ask. Someone might even add that it’s simply uncomfortable for them without a computer. Let us explain. Are you aware that the majority of presentation viewers think that most of them are simply boring? If this information passed you by—note that this is the viewpoint of 79% of presentation attendees! 80% of the audience for business presentations get distracted during the event by another screen. To put it bluntly—they’re on their smartphones.

Why does this happen? Because we too often take the path of least resistance, using standard template solutions. As a result, a vast number of online presentations look as if they’ve come off the same assembly line.

We don’t even have time to understand what’s happening, and our hands, subconscious, and habits are already doing the work for us. We visit a popular resource, choose the first (or even the second—little changes) suitable template, and start filling it in. Or we open our collection of presentations accumulated over the years and use one of them as a basis. To prevent this from happening, to resist the temptation to take the easy route, and to make the brain work and come up with something new, one should start working on the presentation away from the computer. Yes, it may be uncomfortable. But this state forces the brain to strain and produce non-standard ideas.

“Why break your head on your own when you can use intelligent assistants. For example, Pitch Avatar?” We foresee reasonable questions from readers. We answer. Pitch Avatar, like any AI based on large linguistic models, can suggest combinations of ideas and solutions that have already been thought up by someone. But it can’t come up with something truly extraordinary. It is an indispensable assistant in developing and implementing your ideas. However, a person must come up with them. At least for now.

If you absolutely need a guru and an authority who can “bless” our advice—no problem. Let’s look… Ah, here, please — Garr Reynolds. He also adheres to this point of view. But, for the most part, common sense should confirm the correctness of the “imagination without a computer” approach to obtaining original and unique content.

Good luck to everyone, successful presentations, and high incomes!