Talking covers: AI presentations

The Pitch Avatar team reveals how to enhance the effectiveness of online content through a fresh approach to opening and closing slides.

It’s no secret that online presentation covers are often uninformative. The opening slide typically just repeats the title and topic of the event or content, while the final slide, at best, provides contact details, which could easily be condensed into a single active link.

Given that modern viewers are drawn to dynamic content lasting no more than 3-6 minutes, these cover slides are often a waste of time — especially when similar slides are used to break the presentation into sections. Furthermore, static text-heavy slides are inconvenient for viewers accessing online content on mobile devices, and this audience continues to grow each year.

Fortunately, modern technologies allow us to replace most static slides with dynamic alternatives, such as short videos, animations, GIFs, or interactive platforms where viewers can engage in various actions. The downside, however, is that presentation creators often lack the time and resources — such as budget and personnel — to produce these types of slides.

However, solving the problem of “animating” slides doesn’t necessarily require expensive products with complex settings. One of the simplest and most cost-effective solutions is offered by Pitch Avatar. Its functionality allows you to create a virtual speaker in just a few clicks, capable of voicing any text in any language with customized intonations and emotional characteristics.

This speaker can be embedded into any slide, including the opening and closing ones. As a result, your audience will see a friendly presenter from the very first second, who will immediately begin introducing them to the main topic of the presentation. This simple solution can transform uninformative static images into fully dynamic modern slides, boosting the effectiveness of your online content.

Try it and see for yourself.

Wishing you all successful presentations and high incomes.

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