Who are professional presenters, and what sets them apart? Part II

who are professional presenters part 2

In the first part of the article, we’ve agreed that although presentations play a crucial role in business and education, many of them fall short of engaging audiences, a glimpse of pessimistic statistics revealing a disconnect between audience expectations and the practices of presenters. Are presentations doomed, or is there some light at the end of the boring tunnel?

There is hope

Before you dismiss the statistics above as a deliberate attempt to cast presenters in a negative light, let’s explore a more optimistic interpretation.

Flipping sides uncover positive signals that deserve recognition: 20% of presenters exhibit meticulous dedication to their presentation preparation, and the fact that 5% of presenters collaborate with design specialists is a testament to the emergence of specialization in online event planning and delivery.

These insights allow us to assert that a distinct group has already made online presentations their primary occupation. While the average statistics may trap us with four presentations and 40 hours per month, we uncover a small yet significant segment once we exclude the 32% categorized as “academic” presentations or sporadic efforts. These dedicated individuals invest 120-160 hours monthly to create, rehearse, and conduct online events.

Admittedly, they may be few, but given the rapid pace of modern life, it’s understandable that technology and consumer demand outpace the limitations of existing work formats. Most writers and online presenters find themselves in a race to catch up, driven by competition and the ever-evolving market dynamics, which will inevitably push them to bridge the gap swiftly.

A glimpse into the future

It is not audacious to predict that the professional presenter vocation will firmly establish itself and experience exponential growth in the near future. These professionals will be independent contractors and sought-after assets within numerous companies.

The significance of illustrative material will skyrocket to the extent that many presentations will predominantly consist of visually captivating elements such as slides, GIFs, and videos. Consequently, it will become customary for most presentations, except for interactive segments, to be pre-recorded for convenient viewer access.

The quality of illustrative material will witness a remarkable upswing. Professional designers will increasingly dedicate their expertise to crafting exceptional presentations, giving rise to a specialized class of designers solely focused on this domain.

To convey the material of an online presentation concisely, clearly, and with maximum accessibility, professional authors and editors will collaborate to refine the slide texts utilized by presenters.

Thus, teams dedicated to online presentations, comprising the presenter, designer, and author/editor, will emerge, whether as permanent fixtures or temporary collaborations. It alleviates the burden on individual presenters, freeing them from the arduous task of being a one-person orchestra.

And, of course, like every part of our life, AI will steadily and significantly modify presentations. One exciting tool at the forefront of this transformation is Pitch Avatar, which empowers presenters with the ability to generate scripts, voice-overs, and an avatar presenter who will eloquently deliver your message on your behalf. This innovative feature is invaluable for those pressed for time or uncomfortable speaking in public

Additionally, the platform provides in-depth analytics to track your presentation performance and analyze audience engagement, offering valuable insights to help you enhance your future presentations.

The future of presentations is here, and it’s more captivating than ever.