Pitch Avatar and voice-over technology

We explain how AI technology can simplify the voice-over process for presenters and bloggers when creating online content.


Voice-over accompanying video sequences, slide shows, or single images is one of the most common formats found online. However, its quality, in most cases, leaves much to be desired – primarily due to the low quality of the voice-over. Mistakes, slips of the tongue, misplaced emotions, and poor emphasis… These issues frequently appear not only in amateur blogs but also in commercial online content.


This is not surprising, though. Most presenters and bloggers have not been trained in public speaking or acting. On top of that, two other factors negatively impact the quality of the voice-over.


First, there’s the element of time pressure. Most presenters and bloggers don’t have the luxury of rehearsing their text thoroughly or recording dozens of takes.


Second is the fear of public speaking. The vast majority of people, when speaking to an audience (and that’s how voice-over recording is perceived), tend to get nervous and make mistakes, which only increases their anxiety. Even if the voice-over is technically flawless, nervousness often seeps through, clashing with the content’s intended tone.


Fortunately, these problems are now a thing of the past. Today, creating a high-quality voice-over is as easy as using the Pitch Avatar AI presenter assistant. It can voice any text in any language with the user’s chosen intonation, emotion, and pace. You can either create a realistic clone of your own voice or select from a growing library of voices. To further enhance content localization and personalization, Pitch Avatar includes a built-in translator.


In this way, Pitch Avatar has made the process of voice-over for online content simpler and faster – reducing it to just a few clicks and minutes.


Try it for yourself and see the difference!


Wishing you all the best of luck and success!

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