AI Presenter – Competitor or Human Assistant?

ai avatar presenter

Today, artificial intelligence is already capable of creating online content or functioning as a speaker at an online event. And, in some cases, it will do these tasks just as well as humans. Or even better

What exactly can an AI assistant do in these areas and what can we expect from it in the future?

Note that we didn’t search for the answers to these questions simply to write an article. What you are reading are the conclusions we came to while working on the new AI functionality of our Pitch Avatar. The questions, ideas and topics we encountered are obviously not unique to us and thus, we hope, will be of interest to anyone affected in one way or another by the topic of how artificial intelligence affects our lives.

Based on our experience and statistics, and after heated arguments (of course!) within the team, we identified several key tasks and problems in which an AI-powered assistant can help online content creators and hosts of online events.

Any text or script in seconds, not hours

How much time do we spend working on online presentations? 6% of presenters spend one to three hours, 5% spend five to eight hours, and 47% invest more than eight hours! (Infographic Design Team) And these numbers do not represent a limit. Anyone who often conducts online events can easily remember more than one or two occasions in life when the preparation of a webinar or presentation required several working days. But let’s stop, as a starting point, at eight hours.

At first glance, this doesn’t seem like much. Especially since the average author makes one presentation a week (Dectopus). But even so, that means 52 presentations a year! It is likely that even a very enthusiastic person may begin to experience a creative crisis and a scarcity of original ideas. This kind of assembly-line production leads to inevitable repetition, the use of the same template solutions and the like.

Not surprisingly, among viewers about 80% believe that most of the presentations they see are boring! (PresentationPanda). At the same time, about 75% of presentation authors are not particularly happy with their result, believing that their material could look better (Ethos3). If you think about it, these are sad figures. 400 hours a year for something that for the most part causes boredom in the audience and with which you are dissatisfied yourself… You can’t call it anything other than a waste of time (and consequently) money.

What’s the problem? The problem is that presenters spend most of their time on the script and text. And the audience wants more interaction and remembers visual information better (Duarte). This includes video. The latter, by the way, increases the likelihood of buying the product or service presented in commercial online content by 85% (CustomShow).

So, an AI assistant like our Pitch Avatar can do an excellent job as a ghostwriter, working out different versions of the script and other texts for you, including scripts for the slides. All you have to do is apply the “hand of the master” to the texts and spend the time you save on the presentation’s visual components.

Any presenter, any voice, any face

Another basic problem for presenters is actually hosting events or recording their video/voice for online content. This is not even a single problem, but a set of problems. Not everyone has the proper public speaking skills. In addition, about 75% of people suffer from some degree of fear of public speaking (Journal of Education and Educational Development). In fact, 20% of people say they would do almost anything to avoid speaking in public (Ethos3). But that’s not all. Even a brilliant speaker may simply not have time for another speech or recording. And if you speak too often, it’s easy to burn out and lose both your taste for it and interest in taking on more projects.

An AI assistant like Pitch Avatar solves this problem. Simply load it with the presenter’s image and text. It will voice it with any voice you choose, with any intonation, in any language, animated and lip-synchronized. So, in fact, you can create a virtual avatar of yourself, or entrust the presentation to a synthetic, purely digital character.

Its functions are not limited to the presentation itself. When appropriately configured, Pitch Avatar interacts with the audience. For example, it can record comments and answer simple questions. And if the virtual presenter encounters a question it can’t answer, it will call in a human presenter who can connect to the presentation at any time.

Localization and personalization in any language

In the last chapter we touched on this topic in passing, saying that the presenter’s AI assistant is capable of speaking any language equally well. We all intuitively understand the importance of personal address. We like to feel our exclusivity, it is important for us that the seller or service provider understands our needs exactly, and does not address us simply as some faceless user. According to statistics, the average viewing time for personalized presentations is 41% longer than non-personalized content, and employees share content customized for a particular company 2.3 times more frequently (Storydoc). In other words – personalization and localization, that’s what really hooks.

How can a modern AI assistant, such as Pitch Avatar, help with this task? For starters, let’s reiterate that it can voice content in any language. In addition, it can be tasked with personalizing a presentation using LinkedIn and/or CRM data.

The Future of any job. Almost...

The opportunities and, in fact, the scope of AI assistant utilization is much broader than just helping presenters. Even today, Pitch Avatar can be used as an online salesperson, as a virtual recruiter, as a personal assistant… The list of roles that, in one way or another, can be partially replaced by an AI “grounded” for presentations is long. We think you get the gist of it.

It is important to understand that the skills and abilities of AI assistants will develop very quickly. We think that within two to five years we will see digital AI assistants who will be able to create different versions of ready-to-use online content from a general description given by text or voice. Say, different, customized versions of the same presentation. A human will set and clarify tasks, edit and add to the content, but most of the work that is now done by modern authors of online content will be done by an AI presenter. The time saved will allow people to focus on coming up with new, original ideas and concepts, and taking them to a new creative level. The importance of the creative focus will become even more so as the emergence of increasingly advanced virtual and augmented reality technologies continues right before our eyes, fundamentally changing ideas about online content and the possibilities of the Internet as a whole.

In conclusion, let me share an opinion from ChatGPT, which it gave in one of our conversations on the topic of this article:

“Artificial intelligence can already perform certain tasks that were previously exclusive to humans, such as creating various forms of online content – text, music, images, videos, and more. In some cases, artificial intelligence can even be more efficient than humans, thanks to its speed, accuracy, and ability to work for extended periods without fatigue.

However, I believe that artificial intelligence cannot replace human creative potential and intuition. Artificial intelligence can serve as a valuable tool to assist humans in content creation, but it is unable to replicate the unique approach and individual style of each creator. Additionally, humans can provide contextual information and make creative decisions that artificial intelligence cannot.

Overall, I think that artificial intelligence and human creativity can collaborate and complement each other to produce better online content and events.”

It seems to us that in this case ChatGPT has very accurately described the current state of affairs. At their current level of development (and in the foreseeable future as well, apparently) AI assistants are not able to fully replace humans in creating online content or in conducting online events. However, they are already becoming indispensable companions. Those who do not use their services will quickly fall behind their competitors.

Pitch Avatar Team

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